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Little Libraries

Are you familiar with Little Libraries where you can take a book or leave a book? Seeing a new one at the Wrigley Mansion prompted me to write this post.

As someone who loves books and reading, these small works of architecture are fun finds on my runs around town. I always stop to browse the books.

One tends to find a mix of children’s books, self-help books, biographies, political and religious books in the free libraries. The books provide insight about the people who live in the house or business that owns the little library.

If I had a little library, it would be stocked with books and magazines about art, design, and architecture. Also, I would include small inspirational books - something portable for the user.

The Little Free Library at the Rose Parade House (formerly the Wrigley Mansion in Pasadena) debuted on March 2, 2021, National Read Across America Day. When I examined the library, there was a nice selection of books, including Hardy Boy and Nancy Drew mysteries. There was also a ceramic pineapple on the lawn at the base, a nice symbol of welcome.

On a return visit to the Wrigley library, I noticed the pineapple was missing which made me a little sad. However, the shelves had been restocked with different books, a sign to me that library is well used!

Some of my favorite Little Free Libraries are fine architectural representations of their owner’s homes.

These little libraries can be found in neighborhoods all over by walkers and runners alike. I have it on word from an international instagram follower they can be found in his country, too!