offering bespoke adventures in the greater San Diego area and beyond
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Weekly Architectural Highlights and a Birthday!

There were many architecture moments this week and a birthday celebration, too! A case study house, a mid-century library, and more.

Case Study House #10

I’ve run by Case Study House #10 many times, often going out of my way for a chance the gate might be open for a glimpse of the house or conversation with the owner. Imagine my excitement to find it open due to workmen at the property. Only a moment for a quick photo sans workman, but a bright moment for sure. More information on Pasadena’s only Case Study House can be found at the link above. Architect: Kemper Nomland & Kemper Nomland, Jr., Year: 1947.

Burbank Central Public Library

The distinctly patterned screens on the side of this building caught my eye as I drove past on the way to the Burbank post office. When I stopped by later to view up close, I learned it was the Burbank Central Public Library, built in 1963. Online I found some nice slides describing the New Formalist building designed by Eugene Weldon Fickes, Jr., Fickes and Fickes Associates.

For a detailed read of Burbank architectural highlights, hop over to Architecture Field Trip - Burbank

Another January, Another Birthday

A January birthday generally coincides with goal setting for the year. In 2021 there was a lot of architecture self-study and building of my image portfolio. This year I’ll create a newsletter to share some of my findings and thoughts. Also, I’ll spiff up the website design.

A couple of my architecture images are slated to be published in an architect’s monograph this year - can’t wait to receive my copy!